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paralegal certification
The S.C. Supreme Court has implemented a program for the voluntary certification of paralegals in South Carolina.

This program identifies qualified individuals to perform substantive legal work under the direction and supervision of a lawyer.

The Bar administers the program.


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Half Price CLE
SC Bar Certified Paralegals are eligible to attend virtually all live and live webcast SC Bar CLE seminars at half the regular attorney price. To find out which programs qualify, click this link. Each qualifying program will include a notation of the discounted price for certified paralegals. To register and get that price simply log in, find the program you want, and your price will reflect the certified paralegal price at checkout. Please note that live Teleseminars do not qualify for this discount. For questions, contact CLE Director Terry Burnett at tburnett@scbar.org.

Contract Lawyer & Paralegal Directory
The Bar now offers a directory of lawyers and paralegals available for contract work. The directory includes services offered, years of experience and counties where available. If you are interested in being added to the directory please complete this form for paralegals.

  South Carolina Bar
950 Taylor St.
Columbia, SC 29201
(803) 799-6653